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Showing posts from December, 2019
TEACH_TRAVEL_SHARE (UJUNG KE UJUNG) PROJECT CHAPTER MALANG-PROBOLINGGO-JEMBER, EAST JAVA. It is such a very pleasant trip for sure. A night did I travel from Padangsidimpuan by simpati. Arrived in Padang at the morning.   Then, after getting enough rest and enjoying the beautiful view of beach there, I continued the Journey by flight to Surabaya for two and a half hours. The journey was not finished yet. Then, I continued the journey to Malang for two hours. The journey was not finished yet. Here were the journey. 2nd of Spetember was Communicative Classroom Technique at SMK Muhammadiyah 7, Gondanglegi, the Regency of Malang, East Java. This project was a project or workshop for English teachers around Malang on how to create communicative classroom Techique. The workshop was so attractive. We collaborated with ETA (English Teaching Assistent) from America. The day after, we went to probolinggo for a day seminar at Pesantren Modern there. Doing many fun things with s
TEACH_TRAVEL_SHARE (UJUNG KE UJUNG) PROJECT CHAPTER PALEMBANG, SOUTH SUMATERA AND CURUP, BENGKULU. Let the Ujung ke Ujung Project begin... It is such a great honour for me to be part of this project. I felt blessed when my teacher Yuta Otake asked me to join this project. This super great project started from Palembang. 30th of January I travelled to Padang for a night trip. Then, I continued the super exhausting trip to Palembang from Padang by Plane for a 45 minutes. What makes me so suprised too was the hotel that had been prepared and booked by Yuta for me. There, I met bg Widodo, the alumni of Camp Epic 2, Mam Eka, the lecturer of UIN Raden Fatah Palembang, Fauzan, AZIS and friends, the students of UIN Raden Fatah Palembang. Since Feb 1st, we began our Journey with the Deaf Community in Palembang to discuss the possibility on Diffable Language Project batch 2 with @mangrovecommunity, and explored Palembang the day after. So many first time for everyone in one da
My Academic Trip to Malang (Fisrt experience to present paper in International Conference) Konferensi Internasional tentang Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris, Linguistik, dan Sastra (ELITE Internasional Conference) UIN Malang 2019 yang diinisiasi oleh persatuan dosen-dosen Bahasa Inggris PTKIN se-Indonesia akan menjadi peluang besar di antara para pemangku kepentingan (akademisi, peneliti, dosen, pemerintah, organisasi non-pemerintah, dan sektor swasta), untuk bertemu dan melakukan pertukaran gagasan tentang Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris, Linguistik, dan Sastra. Tema konferensi ini adalah Mempromosikan Keragaman Global, Kemitraan, dan Kemakmuran Melalui Pengembangan Bahasa Inggris. Konferensi Internasional ini juga menghadirkan para keynote speaker atau pembicara utama. Pemateri diantaranya Dr. Bradley Horn (the head of RELO-US Embassy), Prof. Dr Arskal Salim GP, M.Ag (Director of Islamic Higher Education Ministry of Religion Affairs, the Republik Indonesia), Prof. Dr. H. Abdul Ha